
Preview of the Marketing + Sales Growth System

Many partners we talk to ask about the specifics of our Account Based Cohesion model. At FrontPipe, we believe in full transparency and want to help redefine the relationship between marketing and sales teams.

So, in the coming months, we’ll be hitting each one of these topics in a comprehensive view of our connected growth system.

  • Section #1: Data/Reasoningsome text
    • Marketing and sales love/hate relationship
    • Biggest 2024 changes
    • Our outlook for 2025 marketing + sales landscape
  • Section #2: Overview of FrontPipesome text
    • Issues we saw clients face
    • We tested everything 
    • Case study 
    • Our future outlook
  • Section #3: System Overviewsome text
    • Overview of ABC
    • Why Aruba?
    • Tools needed with reviews
    • Internal vs. external team setup options (our 90 vs. 365)
  • Section #4: Setupsome text
    • Tool overview
    • Domains/emails/warmup
    • Persona messaging
    • Apollo setup
    • Hubspot setup 
    • AdRoll setup 
    • Octopus setup 
    • Additional tools setup
  • Section #5: Demand Generationsome text
    • Goal overview
    • Options: Content vs. ask for a meeting
    • Paid ads campaigns
    • Website visitor tracking system
    • Hot Prospects signal system in Apollo 
  • Section #6: Programmatic ABMsome text
    • Goal overview
    • Using intent data
    • Interest signaling system
  • Section #7: ABM Litesome text
    • Goal overview
    • Hot prospect outreach/sequence
    • Deal stage setup in Apollo 
  • Section #8: Strategic ABMsome text
    • Goal overview
    • Handoff to salessystem
    • Sales messaging/tools/setup
    • Deal pipeline setup in Apollo  
  • Section #9: Industry Outlooksome text
    • What we learned in 2024
    • What we see changing in 2025
  • Section #10: Tools Recommendationssome text
    • Tools Overview
  • Section #11: Why FrontPipe?some text
    • 90 vs 365
    • Our team

Stay connected! More details coming very shortly!

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